A number of tools are available which allow you to bring forward, delay, change or cancel your flight plan after filing (if you have permission from the account administrator to do so):

  • Click an active flight plan in the flight summary screen to view the Manage and Last Minute Changes menus.

Note: The software records the user who made the most recent change to a filed flight plan in the Dispatcher column on the All Flights screen.


Changing the flight timeChanging the flight time

  1. Click Delay or Bring Forward
    A dialog is displayed.
  2. Enter a new Estimated Off-Block Time (EOBT) and Date of Flight (DOF) as required.
  3. Click Delay.
    A delay message will be sent to the filing authority.
    Click Bring Forward.
    The software will cancel the original flight, copy the details with the new time, and refile it with the filing authority.
    In each case, an e-mail notification of the change will be sent to the person who filed the original plan, and the crew.
  4. Click Finish to return to the menu.


Cancelling the flightCancelling the flight

  1. Click Cancel.
    A dialog is displayed.
  2. Click Cancel Flight Plan to confirm.
    The original flight plan will be cancelled and shown as an historic flight plan in the All Flights screen. 
    An e-mail notification of the change will be sent to the person who filed the original plan, and the crew.


Changing the flight plan details


Making last minute changesMaking last minute changes

You can make certain changes to the flight plan which do not require refiling (if you have permission to do so on your account). These changes can usually be made up to 30 minutes after the Estimated Off-Block Time (EOBT) of the flight.

  1. Click Last Minute Changes.
  2. Click Services to arrange or change fuel, transportation, handling, etc., at the departure and destination aerodromes.
  3. Click Upload Documents to add further documents to the briefing pack (for example, fuel releases).
  4. Make other optional changes to the passengers and aviation forms, or assess the runway performance.


Accessing flight details post-flightAccessing flight details post-flight

Once the flight is airborne, all flight documentation is locked and will not be updated further. These documents and other information can be viewed during and after the flight:

  • Click Messaging to display the messages to and from the filing authority relating to the flight plan.
  • Click Briefing Pack and select the appropriate option. 
    The flight log and briefing pack can be viewed, downloaded and sent by email or fax. You can also export your flight plan to a number of different devices.
  • Click Flight Overview to display a summary of the flight plan data.


Reusing the flight planReusing the flight plan

To quickly reuse a previously filed flight plan: 

  1. Click Reuse.
    The Route menu is displayed with the flight details completed.
  2. Edit the flight details as required and proceed as described in Preparing and Filing a Flight Plan


Copying to preferred routesCopying to preferred routes

Completed or cancelled flight plans can be saved to the list of company preferred routes by clicking Copy to preferred routes.